After pull record hi types not displaying

i have pressed pull record button . after all the process data is showing but hi types like prescription record , op consultation not showing in phr data . i have passed hi type
section[0]->code->coding[0]->system = “”;
section[0]->code->coding[0]->code = “440545006”;
section[0]->code->coding[0]->display = “Prescription record”;
but still hi types are not displaying .
so is there any other description or display field which i have to use for showing hi types

@dhavalstrauss Hi, you can refer to NRCES website in this regard.

You can also verify the FHIR bundle by following steps-
FHIR steps :

You can use online validator available here:

Step 1:
Download complete ABDM profile package (package.tgz) file from link:

Step 2: ( configure validator to refer ABDM profiles)
After downloading package file, go to the “Advanced Options” section at and upload the package.tgz file.

Step 3: (add FHIR resource for validation )
Once the package.tgz file is uploaded, import your FH