Actual document from carecontext referenceNumber

Dear @IntegrationSupport ,
This is from phr functionality test cases. In this flow user will view the actual documents (pdf or image)? or just carecontext.display text?

If user will view actual pdf/img document. Can you pls share APIs for getting actual document by carecontext.referenceNumber ?

@balaji In this User initiated discovery and linking flow, user can view the complete health records.
Please use link API’s

Yeah, Can you pls confirm whether user can view the pdfs or images?
In these APIs getting list of care contexts which is {referenceNumber and display}.

@balaji yes, user can view health records in pdf in phr. These records are embedded in fhir bundle which is viewable in pdf format in phr.


Can you please share APIs or any resources for implementing this (getting pdf from carecontext referenceNumber)?

@IntegrationSupport Can you pls provide some resource for fetching care context PDF

@balaji There is no API related to getting Pdf generation for health records from carecontext . You have to create fhir bundle and embed it so that health records are viewable in pdf format in PHR application to the patient and doctor.

Please go through this link for understanding in details about FHIR creation:

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This video helps you understand FHIR Bundle required for data transfer in the ABDM ecosystem. It further will help you understand
data packaging, what goes into the main envelope, types of health information, and much more for all the data that you want to transfer, compiled as an FHIR Bundle.

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