ABHA ID generation M1 Base url and Base Path

Hi All,

am trying to integrate the ABHA id api to generate health id how ever I get 404 error when I call any api.

eg :- https://dev.abdm.gov.in/devservice/v1/registration/aadhaar/generateOtp

The above api throw us a 404 error, so someone can help me with base url and base path for milestone one api’s.

Thank you.


Please try with the above URL and check it.

Thanks for the replay, I tried the given url but it is not getting completed when I call it from postman.

This is the response I got

Cloud Agent Error: Request is taking longer than 30 seconds to fulfill. Use another agent to send a request without time limitations.

Kindly find the API flow to create the health Id which are working as expected.

  1. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v2/registration/aadhaar/generateOtp

  1. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v1/registration/aadhaar/verifyOTP


  1. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v1/registration/aadhaar/verifyMobileOTP

  1. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v1/registration/aadhaar/createHealthIdWithPreVerified


Kindly find the API flow to create the health Id which are working as expected.

    1. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v2/registration/aadhaar/generateOtp
  1. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v1/registration/aadhaar/verifyOTP

  2. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/registration/aadhaar/generateMobileOTP

  3. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v1/registration/aadhaar/verifyMobileOTP

  4. https://healthidsbx.abdm.gov.in/api/v1/registration/aadhaar/createHealthIdWithPreVerified

I’m finally able to get these API working.
The issue was with AccessToken being added in header as mentioned in the postman collection.
When i moved that from header to Authorization tab -> bearer Token in Postman, it started working.
Thanks for the help anyways.

Though both options should behave the same way, I still see some APIs having Auth token mentioned in the header instead of Authorization. Would be great if you can update the collection so that others wouldn’t face this issue.

@sureshgn @shobhitgunwant Can you help me as well to get these APIs working? I am following the same approach given here. But Still I am gteting below error. Kindly help


"timestamp": "2023-03-21T12:35:02.968+0000",

"status": 401,

"error": "Unauthorized",

"message": "Unauthorized",

"path": "/api/v2/registration/aadhaar/generateOtp"


I have used below link to encrypt the Aadhar number

Can you provide link of page where this information is available in documentation.
Thanks, It works.