ABDM Discover Flow Error

We are implementing User-Initiated Health Record Linking, and in the process, we are following the steps outlined in the ABDM PHR application:

  1. Linking my health record and searching for records from the health program.
  2. Being able to match the hospital.
  3. Fetching records and linking them.
  4. Receiving the OTP on the registered mobile.
  5. After entering the OTP, encountering the following error: “Something Went Wrong.”

In Backend all the callback APIs are functioning correctly, and we are receiving the <Response [202]> for each:

  1. /v0.5/care-contexts/on-discover
    Response: <Response [202]> b’’

  2. /v1/links/link/on-init
    Response: <Response [202]> b’’

  3. /v1/links/link/on-confirm
    Response: <Response [202]> b’’

Despite our efforts, we are currently unable to identify the source of the error. We seek assistance to resolve this issue. Has anyone else faced a similar problem, or can anyone provide guidance on resolving the issue? Your help would be greatly appreciated."