SMS to redirect HID holders to PHR app


We’re adding the following text template to send SMSs to patients who have an associated Health ID, to redirect them to install PHR app:-

Thank you for visiting Dr. $firstName $lastName!\nYou can view your prescriptions at \n Team NDHM

Please advise if this is good to go.


Hi @apsdocon,

If you want to inform the paitents about their recent visit along with the patient data, there is one API on gateway. Please check the documentation for /v0.5/patients/sms/notify on HIP docs.

An example JSON like below:

"notification": {
        "phoneNo": "+91-88888888",
        "receiverName": "Vimal Kishore",
        "careContextInfo": "OPD Visit on 22nd Dec",
        "hip": {
            "id": "HIP_124235",
            "name": "Chandigarh HIP"

This will lead to a SMS as below

Hi Vimal Kishore, You can now access your OPD Visit on 22nd Dec from Chandigarh HIP digitally, please use the link below given deep link/PHR app link.

The Deep link URL is optional and by default it will be populated as PHR app link. In case of different PHR app, it could be given to other PHR links. (Future)

Thank you

We have our own SMS system in place to notify patients of their visit’s conclusion. It is supposed to have a deeplink to redirect to the PHR app. We require the CORRECT deeplink URL.
Request you to provide the same. If any other clarifications required, please go ahead and reply with the same.

Hi @apsdocon,

Below is the PHR App Link which is right now being sent to the patients:<HIP_ID>&apn=in.ndhm.phr&afl=

Please make sure to change the HIP_ID based on your HIP ID. Please let us know if there are any issues you are facing.
Thank you