PHR app not receiving health records

We have tried sending health records to below datapush url

but it not receiving any data sometime showing no new data and sometime it shows can not fetch all data.
below are some transaction and consent id to check logs from your end:




please assist if we are missing any sequence in sending data or anything is missing in encryption.
please also let us know if auth token need to be passed for data push url.

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As discussed and showcase of the issue in meeting, we will try with fresh install of PHR app and then we will check if the health records are showing or not. I will update here we fail to get records.

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We tried with fresh install of sandbox PHR app but still getting “No new data available” toast message.

please look for this ids to dig further:




Any update/assistance on this?

Hello Binay,

for encryption we have used the same code and package given for reference at ABDM documentation link ( and we are using the same parameters for encryption that is being received from PHR app API request (such as “CryptoAlg”:“ECDH”,“Curve”:“curve25519”).

And we have validated our bundle JSON on this link ( which is also referred in ABDM documentations.

However, ABDM system is not able to decrypt the content, so please guide us with proper documentation/solution that is required to be followed.

we will look into the issue but for that can you share your phr app login credentials (abha address and password)

we have used below credentials with different mobile devices:

abha address: arpan.patel@sbx
password: Raj@1823

abha address: indrajitsbx@sbx
password: Ecw@380015

abha address: vishvammistry@sbx
password: Vishmist@2602

In PHR app, above all account shows same messages: “No new Data” and “Could not fetch data”

Hello Team, we have used below credentials with different mobile devices:

abha address: arpan.patel@sbx
password: Raj@1823

abha address: vishvammistry@sbx
password: Vishmist@2602

In PHR app, above accounts shows message: “Data Fetch in progress”, however we are not getting any request for the same at our end.

Please help/guide us for this.

Hello Team,

Is there any update on above mentioned issue?

Please help/guide us for it.

Hello @Shubhanshu_Shukla, is there any update on this issue as even after updating PHR app, we are facing the same issue.

Hello, is the issue resolved now?

This link has a video, please do have a look. Hope it helps.