Not Receiving Expiry Notification, Once a Granted Consent gets Expired

I am able to receive Notification when no action is taken on the Consent and it gets Expired, but I am not receiving any notification when I’ve already granted a Consent but the expiry time is exceeded.

Due to this condition, A specific test case is getting failed.

Hi @Manik3112,

There were some problems on the expiry side .
We have a scheduler which had stopped running, it should be able to inform in next schedule when it picks up.
So we will advice to check within next couple of hours.

Thank You


Few questions:

1.Can this consent expiry notifications by consent gateway be relied upon by a given HIU to clear any Data caches at its end to be compliant with Data protection polices?

  1. There could be systems which can act as both provider (HIP) in some cases and consumer (HIU) in few scenarios where we intend to retrieve the data from a different HIPs for Longitutinal patient record. In such a scenarios it becomes critical to identify the source of data to comply with Data deletion policies.
    a. Does the consent expiry notification also provide this information on source?
    b. The FHIR clinical artifact being exchanged itself has a “custodian” attribute to indicate the
    source , hence a combination of it along with consent expiry should work however the problem
    here is this is not mandatory thus cannot be relied upon.
    c. Typically FHIR provenance resource can be used however it is not modelled yet as part of
    NDHM FHIR profiles for such scenarios
    d. There are definitely dirty workarounds to solve and differentiate the data so that the data for
    which the HIP behaves as source of truth and generated by HIP itself can be retained and rest
    deleted based on consent.

Thoughts , suggestions and any guidelines/inputs on the above points will help us to take a direction on this for the Sandbox exit.



FYI - I have also reported the FHIR item points to nrces.


Hi @Manik3112,

There were some problem with the scheduler not running.
We have fixed it now.
Hope it helps.

Note- Consent request expires after two hours of not approved

Thank You