I am facing an issue with receiving the callback on my specified URL: https://indiadistro.lite.mybahmni.in.
I used the following PATCH API to set my callback URL:
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://dev.abdm.gov.in/devservice/v1/bridges'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "url": "https://indiadistro.lite.mybahmni.in/hiprovider" }'
However, I am not receiving the callback on the specified URL. When I tried using ngrok, the callback was received successfully.
I have also included the fetch modes API request details below for your reference:
curl --location 'https://dev.abdm.gov.in/gateway/v0.5/users/auth/fetch-modes'
--header 'accept: */* '
--header 'X-CM-ID: sbx'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{ "requestId": "f7558575-9bb7-48bd-b474-0ddf141ec3a0", "timestamp": "2023-02-28T11:31:57.032000", "query": { "id": "rimarai12@sbx", "purpose": "LINK", "requester": { "type": "HIP", "id": "bahmni_indiadistro_new" } } }'
Could you please help me resolve this issue and guide me on how to receive the callback on my specified URL?
My CLIENT_ID is SBX_002026 and I am using a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for my URL