Not able to receive call on data push url

Hi @IntegrationSupport @Sachin Could you please provide any entity details which supports all HI types to link all HI types with my abha address, all HI types will display in my HIU, if records available but i didn’t find any HIP to support all HI types ,Could you please provide any HIP Details which support all HI types .Everything is completed in M3. Can we proceed with this because available records we are displaying or else Could provide any ABHA address which linked with all HI types.

Hi @ramakrishna337 Previous request expired . I have initiated another request can you please approve from your abha app.

Hi @syamprakashp Approved.

Hi @ramakrishna337 we are getting hit on push url but bundle as empty did you face the same issue earlier?

Hi @syamprakashp No, only unformatted data only linked with this

Hi @ramakrishna337 There is some issue with date range can you please approve the request i have initiated now?

Hi @syamprakashp Approved.

Hi @ramakrishna337 Please approve recent request on abha app . Also please provide abha address which is linked with formatted data if available

Hi @ramakrishna337 can we have an connect on the above issue as i am still not getting data linked to our abha addresses.
Also can you please check whethere you are able to get data for this abha address which is linked to rani hospital (syam.prakash1081@sbx) date range from 1 feb - 13 feb

Hi @syamprakashp Once Grant the Consent I raised

Hi @ramakrishna337 i granted the consent also please let me know evaidya is registered as both HIP and HIU ?

Hi @ramakrishna337 are you able to get data . Also please let me know if you are available for a connect to discuss the issue.

Hi @syamprakashp Grant the Consent in PHR APP , I raised the consent

Hi @ramakrishna337 i didnt get your request can you please re-intiate

Hi @syamprakashp I got one Prescription records for your ABHA abha address.

hi @ramakrishna337 Evaidya is your hiu right please let me know whether it is registered as both hip and HIU by triggering .

@syamprakashp yes, we registered as both HIP and HIU

Hi @ramakrishna337 Please let me know whether you have “HRP” role in the authorization token . you can check it by the below website . I am missing that role can you please help me since iam still able to get data from Rani Hospital

can you please provide your mail id to discuss the issue if possible.