Not able to link HIP through new mobile app

We are not able to link HIP through new mobile app .(sandbox)
Error: Unable to contact your hospital

Hey @kumar,

Well, issue could be in connectivity to the facility .
Please provide us something,
like response body, patient id .


Hi team,

patient id : rahulnew21@sbx
Login form rahulnew21@sbx and selecting NSDL test facility and clicking on fetch records

  1. discovery call received on NSDL server
  2. on discovery we are sending data and getting http status 202 with no body
  3. on app it is showing Error: Unable to contact your hospital
    request body:
    “display”:“Rahul Salampure”,
    “display”:“2021-12-13 16:44:22.23 OPD Visit”

Hey @kumar,

Issue occured as health id rangaraj exists,
screenshot of log is attached.

duplicate key value violates unique constraint.


Hey @kumar,

Error happened for path: /v1/care-contexts/discover, method: POST, message: Didn't receive any result from Gateway
1. Request Recived on 16:13:28.406
2. Response recived at 16:13:33.526

Leading to delay in getting response from HIP. ( 5000 ms)


Response time 5000 ms, can it be increased from your side. As per our server logs ,we are sending request below 5000 ms only.

hey @kumar,

Not exactly.

Please elaborate as we are responding with in 2 sec only but still we are facing issue.

Discover Request Receive from NDHM :

“requestId”: “fc9e7c24-d54b-4fe2-9db7-90cce4b93a32”,
“timestamp”: “2022-01-28T07:07:50.976648”,
“transactionId”: “0b95e3ab-be80-4c9b-a348-9746202ab499”,
“patient”: {
“id”: “rahulnew21@sbx”,
“verifiedIdentifiers”: [
“type”: “MOBILE”,
“value”: “9156529899”
“value”: “76-1804-2574-0387”
“type”: “HEALTH_ID”,
“value”: “rahulnew21@sbx”
“unverifiedIdentifiers”: [
“type”: “MR”,
“value”: “rahulnew21@sbx”
“name”: “Rahul Chandrashekhar Salampure”,
“gender”: “M”,
“yearOfBirth”: 1989

Discover Response Return/Send to NDHM :

“requestId”: “e69e9d19-bb4c-4e5a-88de-d5fb1118f25d”,
“timestamp”: “2022-01-28T12:35:34.193Z”,
“transactionId”: “0b95e3ab-be80-4c9b-a348-9746202ab499”,
“patient”: {
“referenceNumber”: “PAT_10_101”,
“display”: “Rahul SalamPure”,
“careContexts”: [
“referenceNumber”: “CARE_CNTX_00009”,
“display”: “28-01-2022 Visit”
“matchedBy”: [
“resp”: {
“requestId”: “fc9e7c24-d54b-4fe2-9db7-90cce4b93a32”

Request receive time : 2022-01-28 12:35:34.192
Request return time : 2022-01-28 12:35:35.064
We are getting error unable to contact your hospital

Please send me the exact time when request reached at your end.

1. Request Recived on
`2. Response recived at

Hey @kumar,

The time span has been increased ,
please try now


What is the latest time span.


For now it’s 10 sec.

@Shubhanshu_Shukla - currently it is 5 secs, can it be extended to 10 secs? It is impossible to test this out via Postman