No getting "data transfer" notification callback after granting consent from PHR app

Hi @IntegrationSupport, @Sachin,

After adding 300 seconds delay on the hip/on-notify request we were receiving /v0.5/health-information/hip/request callback without any issue.
But now we again started facing the same issue where we are not getting the /hip/request.
Sometimes we get the callback instantly, sometime we have to wait for few minutes, sometimes it doesnt work.

Request you to please check on this and help us with the same

Rachit Khandelwal

@Sachin @IntegrationSupport Team Can you please look into it ?
We are stuck with the flow due to this.

Rachit Khandelwal

@rachit4 There is an intermittent ongoing issue in the sandbox environment . Tech team is working on the same. Please co-operation and wait until this is resolved.

Does this also involve not receiving hip/notify callback sometimes after consent grant?

Also please notify once this issue is resolved.

Eshan Singh

@EshanFar Yes, on-notify call back not happening due to infra issues. It will be resolved soon.

Hi @IntegrationSupport
Is this issue resolved now?

Rachit Khandelwal


On HIU health info request, not receiving HIP health info request at ‘/v0.5/health-information/hip/request’

is ABDM SBX still alive or dead? No positive response has been seen for such a major issue after a long time.

we request you to please suggest…

Hey, @IntegrationSupport has this issue been resolved, it was working again a few days back, but now once more I am not receiving callbacks

@EshanFar Not yet resolved. Tech team working on it for resolution.

@IntegrationSupport Hi, is this issue got resolved, we are still facing this issue in sandbox, not receiving HIP health info request at ‘/v0.5/health-information/hip/request’ callback.

We are in the middle of our integration, can you please confirm if the issue is not yet resolved.


Yes, Issue has been resolved. We have checked, also received confirmation from some integrators. HTC demo was also conducted successfully this week. Please proceed with your integration steps.
Thank you