HealthID Knowledge 101 - Solving Authentication (401) issues with HealthID APIs

Hi NHA Team,

In order to have access to HealthID APIs, our clientId “SBX_000387” must have hid role in gateway, So could you please provide the consent role to the below client id ASAP.?

“clientId”: “SBX_000387”,

“clientSecret”: “4f1612fb-33ff-4a99-b5ef-86b55243fc14”


Ph No: 7013605477

we are also getting unauthorized access to Health ID API’s. Please give the permission for Cliend ID - SBX_000387

@Dhawal We are getting 401 error for Verify OTP with Aadhaar Health Id Registration with Aadhar - VerifyOtp - unauthorized error
Could you please check if the client id SBX_001751 has access.

Requesting health ID API access for the Client ID SBX_001648

Hi while authenticating by executing the below command - I got an error:

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
  "clientId": "clientId-you-received",
  "clientSecret": "secret-you-received"

The error is stated as below:

Request Rejected The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.

Your support ID is: 14103002471348845627

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What is wrong with my createHealthID request below?

Client ID: SBX_002104

We are integrated our SmartCare HIS web application with ADBM APIs and faced bellow issue…while using API: v1/registration/aadhaar/verifyOTP

“code”: “HIS-500”,
“message”: “An unexpected error has occured. Please try again in sometime.”,
“details”: null

We have looked at the DevForum…no response to this posting aswell.

DevForum, Create health id issue using CreateHealthIDwithAadhaarOTP

No Response seen even in forum for many such issue posted.

Please can you help us.

Requesting health ID API access for the Client ID SBX_002178

getting unauthorized access to Health ID API’s. Please give the permission for Cliend ID - SBX_002161

Hi NHA Team / @IntegrationSupport / @neha.parnami

In order to have access to HealthID APIs, our clientId “SBX_001814” must have hid role in gateway, So could you please provide the access and confirm on consent role to the below client id ASAP.?

“clientId”: “SBX_001814”,

@Ramandeep1 - kindly validate and grant HID role if not assigned

Hi @mysmarthealth HID role has already been provided to you.


Hi @bhavana HID role has already been provided to you.


Hi @afia HID role has already been provided to you.


thank you @Ramandeep1

Thank you for the support but we have hid access but not able to access any API, it gives us unauthorised access error

we are not able to generate an OTP
please share the end point url for OTP generation

Requesting API access for SBX_002414

Please provide HID access to SBX_000156
We want to continue our integration with

Thank you

Hi @devnm21 the requested role has been assigned to you.


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Client ID: SBX_000645
Requesting API access for HID role.
