Get Data in PHR App results in multiple rows of same record

Hi NDHM Team,
We are building a HIP and integrate testing with the PHR.
After clinking the Get Data button, I am able to see the record in the PHR App. If I click the Get Data again, The data is shown as a new record under the same Date-Hospital heading instead of updating the same record.
What could be the issue. The HIP is returning the same data, then why is PHR showing as a new record?


Hi @chaya,

Ideally the HIP should not send the same data. It should consider the dateRange in the consent notification API (/v0.5/consents/hip/notify) and send data only for that period.
So if your HIP is not considering the dates and sending the same data again then it will duplicate on PHR app.

I hope this helps.

HI @dheerajp
Got it. So the PHR sends consent in Notify for a date range for which it doesn’t already have data.
But in my case the date range in notify api is:
“dateRange”: {
“from”: “2020-09-09T18:30:00.605”,
“to”: “2020-11-10T06:03:16.432176”
The captured date of the data in PHR and HIP is 2020-10-10T12:18:41.818234.

Since the HIP has a captured data within the requested date range, it sends the same data again.

Am I missing something. Why is the PHR sending the date range wrong?



  1. the same consent artefact can be used multiple times.
  2. Order for checking the dates would be
    a) /health-information/hip/request and consider

This date range can be used to fetch incremental data, and HIP should respect this dateRange if provided.

b) Since the “hiRequest.dateRange” is optional, if not provided, then HIP should consider the dates mentioned in the consent-artefact, which would have been notified to HIP through /consents/hip/notify

HI @angshuonline
Got it. In my case the date range in the HiRequest is also same:
“dateRange”: {
“from”: “2020-09-09T18:30:00.605”,
“to”: “2020-11-10T06:03:16.432176”

How does the PHR arrive at the date range for notify and hip/request?
